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I do hope you #takethenextstep and enrol in our ladies only group training sessions, allowing our motivational instructors to really make a difference and change your life! To do this we highly recommend that you attend training at least twice a week, although we have different programmes so kickboxing can be a part of any lifestyle.


Safety first!

If you are booked in to attend a class, or are simply just planning on turning up, please take time to complete the following forms and bring them with you (click each one to download):

Medical Questionnaire

Disclaimer Form



Kickboxing has been proven to burn up to 800 calories in a typical hour long session. Our ladies sessions are high energy, aerobic, and toning. Our ladies only group classes are designed for ALL levels of ladies fitness and we encourage you to take the class at your own pace, but to keep moving. Get fit, lose weight and HAVE FUN doing it. What could be better in a ladies only environment?



Being an all ladies school we understand how important it is in this day and age to be able to defend yourself should the need arise. We teach self defence techniques along with CONFIDENCE building aspects for you to be able to feel safe and to understand a situation to act appropriately.



Achieve your own personal goals through carefully planned classesand by grading through coloured belts to achieve the coveted accolade - the Black Belt. Your progress is based upon your OWN personal progress and goals are set and reviewed to keep you dedicated and motivated. However, grading is not for everyone, and so we will still work with you to be able to set you realistic and achievable goals based upon your personal ambitions through Derby Ladies Kickboxing.



Train in a safe, fun and friendly environment where ego's are left at the door. Being a LADIES ONLY class, we understand how you feel attending a new session, possibly on your own, and so we strive to make you feel welcome, valued and part of the team! We understand that this is a productive learning environment for all children and adults alike.

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